Artist Studio & Storage Area
When it comes to being creative, the more space you have to flourish, the better. The dining room table isn’t sufficient enough for all the supplies, and keeping in mind that you’re in the house – this means no mess or accidental paint splatters on the perfectly painted walls, trying to clean it off results in a sequel to Mission Impossible. Furthermore, the constant effort of unpacking and packing again tends to become a tedious exercise that results in resentment to the whole activity.
Mr & Mrs Halliday retired artists were in this exact position in need of space to fully immerse themselves into their creativity. The problem was the garden being small and already having a shed at the bottom of the garden, Outdoor Building Group had to create an area which included a peaceful quiet room & storage area.
The solution ?
A 5m x 3.5m Caden style garden room. A wonderful alternative for creating an additional room within the house.
Designed with large doors and windows allowing for ample natural light to fill the room. The building has easy wipe-down laminate flooring perfect for any artist in concern of paint marks. Our customers are now able to de-stress and unwind in their garden room; combined to be an art studio and chill out space, meanwhile, Mr Halliday still has an area for storage his garden tools.